Initialization Values ยป

In the child nodes of this node, you may enter initial values for the composition profiles. If you have a previous model solution, you may autofill these values, by executing the Initialize from Results action. Also, this node has a convenient tool to copy the initialization values (for total moles and all phases) from a chosen set into several other sets in one operation.


Initialize from Results

Merge Sets

Initialize from...

Quick Run

Open Solver

Initialize from Results

Please see the Initialize from Results in the Estimation node.

Merge Sets

This is identical to the same action in the Measurements node.

Initialization Set Values

You may execute this action to copy the initialization values (for total moles and all phases) from a given set into one or more selected sets. It has the following fields:
  1. "From", where you can select the set whose initialization values are to be copied.
  2. "To", where you select the sets to which the initialization values are to be pasted.
    You can use the filter field to search among several sets.

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See Also: